Heartnut Growers website in construction..... *actually into nuts. LOL
If you want to get in touch with me, you can use the form provided below. This helps to decrease the incidence of spam email. Be patient while we build our site, and our heartnut farm into production. You might also look to Ernie Grimo at Grimonut for a variety of hearnut and walnut trees, along with other selections. He has a nut tree nursery at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada. Also you can contact Ken Asmus of Oikos Tree Crops which is near Kalamazoo, Michigan... a bit closer to us. Ken grows for sale, a huge variety of nut trees, fruiting trees, and other unusual treats, plus some useful tree nursery tools and supplies. Give either of them a look!!
Meanwhile, we continue to care for and nurture our grafted Carpathian walnuts, and grafted Heartnut trees here in SW Michigan.
Vernon & Pamela Jenewein, 6658 116th Ave., Fennville, MI 49408
Email me for what's going on with the nut tree projects, if you like, at this email address ->
or at my regular email address here ->
Our wonderful web hosting company -> DreamHost
Have a greatnut day! Part of Jenewein Farms
This site was last updated 12/20/07